Ebooks and Online Resources accessible to Case Law Users Only.
Charles F. Krause & Kent C. Krause, Aviation Tort and Regulatory Law. (2d ed., 2002-date).
Online: Westlaw. (3 volumes).
Michael Jay Leizerman, Litigating Truck Accident Cases. (2005-date).
Online: Westlaw. (2 volumes).
David N. Nissenberg, The Law of Commercial Trucking: Damages To Persons and Property. (3d ed., 2003-date).
Online: Lexis. (2 volumes).
Saul Sorkin, Goods in Transit. (1976-date).
Online: Lexis. (3 volumes).
William E. Kenworthy, Transportation Safety and Insurance Law. (3d ed., 2004-date).
Online: Lexis. (2 volumes).