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Advanced Contracts Seminar

This is a guide to law library resources for students in Professor Kostritsky's Advanced Contracts Seminar; March 2022 update.

Locating American Law Reports Articles

Locating American Law Reports Articles

  1. Print Resources: Use Digest to ALR (RA6.6), Digest to ALR 2d (RA6.661), and Digest to ALR 3d, 4th, 5th and Federal (RA6.662) to locate relevant articles. (All are located on the 3rd Floor, Range 50. Please note: The law library no longer retains the hardcopy editions of ALR 1st or ALR 2nd and the other editions are no longer being updated in print. As such, you are encouraged to use the Westlaw and Lexis versions)

  2. Westlaw:  American Law Reports (full text), ALR Digest, ALR Index (ALR 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th6th, 7th and ALR Federal annotations)

  3. Lexis:  American Law Reports (ALR 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th6th, 7th and ALR Federal annotations)