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Library Services for Student Journals

Information for note writers and cite-checkers.

LibGuide: Sources for Student Publication Cite Checking

The "Sources for Student Publication Cite Checking" libguide is to help students find the sources to do cite checking. The information and links given are those which are most likely to efficiently lead to the information needed. There are often many possible sources for the text of a case, a law, etc., so if you cannot find a particular source, please contact the Reference Desk for help. Stop by the desk, call 216-368-5206, or chat during desk hours. You can email anytime (an expect a reply during the next reference desk shift)

Reference Desk Hours

Monday – Thursday        9:00am – 7:00pm

Friday                                  9:00am – 5:00pm

Saturday                             Noon – 5:00pm


Stop by the desk, or call 216-368-5206, or chat during desk hours. You can email anytime (and expect a reply during the next reference desk shift)

Personal Research Consultation (PERC)

 A “PERC,” or Personal Research Consultation, is a meeting with a law librarian to discuss doing research — whether for a course-related paper or project, a journal note or comment, or another academic endeavor. Fill out the form (in the middle of this page) and an appropriate law librarian (based on a combination of availability and special expertise), will contact you to arrange an appointment. Law students may also schedule with a law librarian a reference consultation.

NOTE: Research consultations may also be scheduled for help with tracking down sources for cite-checking. When meeting about cite-checking, please bring the full text of the article with you.