The Supreme Court of Ohio Style Manual Committee published a guideline titled "A Guide to Citations, Style, and Judicial Opinion Writing" effective July 1, 2013. The guidelines contains three primary chapters:
Part I – Citation Manual
Governs the citation format used in Supreme Court opinions and other opinions. It sets forth rules for the forms of citation for cases, statutes, and other sources, provides examples for each category, and explains the use of WebCites.
Part II – Style Guide
Provides direction on certain aspects of style used in Supreme Court opinions. Subjects covered include capitalization, punctuation, use of footnotes and headings, captions, and commonly misused words.
Part III – Structure of a Judicial Opinion
A guide intended to assist writers of judicial opinions. It offers an outline setting forth the basic components of an opinion in the traditional sequence, followed by several examples written in the Supreme Court style.
This lesson covers only the material contained in part I of the Supreme Court of Ohio's Writing Manual, which the lesson refers to as the "Citation Manual."