ECCC (Cambodia)
- ECCC website; War Crimes Memos portal, Globalex guide on international criminal tribunals; print and electronic CWRU and OhioLINK books (William Schabas and others); MPEPIL genocide entry, Annotated Leading Cases; Legal Collection, ILP, and Academic Premier articles...
U.S./Canadian Coast Guards
books, articles and (selected) websites about the BWT treaty, as well as treaty interpretation in general (Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties); maybe UNCLOS (Convention on the Law of the Sea by extension/analogy) or compare other similar situations (Mediterranean Sea); U.S. and Canadian laws and regulations (sites from Coast Guard websites); Legal Collection, ILP, and Academic Premier; MPEPIL; EJC (OhioLINK)...
United Nations materials (, Access UN, United Nations section of HeinOnline); books and scholarly articles on UNITAD; May book (and others) on evidence and international criminal law; IEL: CL treatise; state practice (Restatement Foreign Relations of the U.S.); MPEPIL; Oxford Reports on International Law...
PILPG (Yemen)
IIIM (criminal prosecution)
books and articles on ICP specifically and ICL in general; War Crimes Memo Portal; Aggression libguide; MPEPIL; Legal Index, ILP, and Academic Search Premier; Annotated Leading cases;
ICC Prosecutor and Aggression
books and articles on ICC specifically and ICP in general; War Crimes Memo Portal; Aggression libguide; MPEPIL; Legal Index, ILP, and Academic Search Premier; Annotated Leading cases;
Yemen Accountability Project
ICC, Migrants (Libya/Italy)
books and articles on migrants, human rights, the ICC specifically and ICP in general; HUDOC, Oxford Reports on International Law; MPEPIL...
Israel's Border
Terrorist Funding