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Traditional Knowledge and Intellectual Property

WIPO Research Lab: Intellectual Property and Traditional Knowledge

Getting Started

This guide supported Prof. Shabalala's World Intellectual Property Organization Research Lab course. The students researched the misappropriation of traditional knowledge, folklore and genetic resources in the context of international and national intellectual property law and practices, with a geographic focus on Australia, Brazil, New Zealand, Andean Pact countries, Europe, and francophone Africa.

Schedule a PeRC (Personal Reference Consultation)

Law students may schedule a Personal Research Consultation ("PERC") with one of the librarians. A PERC allows for more extended research coaching, such as for course-related research, citation checking, or Note research.

Specific reference questions can be emailed to


The Law Library of Congress has created an Indigenous Law Portal, which links to relevant indigenous law sources on various topics, perhaps including some intellectual property issues. For example, there is an Interinstituional Center for Indigenous Knowledge at Penn State.