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Maximizing Communication Between Clients and Attorneys

This research guide brings together the knowledge and experiences of attorneys, law professors and, law students to consider the effective representation of diverse groups and individuals in urban communities.

Selected Articles and Research Databases

Note: In addition to access via HeinOnline for academics, the public may be able to access some of the law review articles via Law Commons or an alternative open-access platform.

Anastasia M. Boles, The Culturally Proficient Law Professor:  Beginning the Journey, 48 N.M. L.Rev. 145 (2018).

Alicia Alvarez, Susan Bennett, et al., Teaching and Practicing Community Development Poverty Law:  Lawyers and Clients as Trusted  Neighborhood Problem Solvers, 23 Clin. L. Rev. 577 (2017).

Anastasia M. Boles, Seeking Inclusion from the Inside Out:  Towards a Paradigm of Culturally Proficient Legal Education. 11 Charleston L. Rev. 209 (2017).

Debra Chopp, Addressing Cultural Bias in the Legal Profession, 41 NYU Rev. of L. and Soc. Change 41 (2017).

Jennifer N. Ganesh & Peter H. Kang, Lawyers' Tools for Developing Cross-Cultural Competence, 45 International Law News 14 (2017).

Wendy E. Parmet,  Population Based Legal Analysis:  Bridging the Interdisciplinary Chasm Through Public Health in Law,  66 J. Legal Educ. 100 (2016).

Julie D. Lawton, Who is my Client?  Client-Centered Lawyering with Multiple Clients,  22 Clinical L. Rev. 145(2015).

Mary Lynch, The Importance of Experiential Learning for Development of Essential Skills in Cross-Cultural and Intercultural Effectiveness,

1 Touro L. J. Experiential Learning 129 (2015).

​Scott Barclay and Daniel Chomsky, How Do Cause Lawyers Decide When and Where to Litigate on Behalf of Their Cause?, 48 Law & Soc'y Rev. 595 (2014).

Emily A. Spieler, 44 The Paradox of Access to Civil Justice:  The "Glut" of New Lawyers and the Persistence of Unmet Need, 44 U. Toledo L. Rev. 365 (2013).

Gail E. Silverstein, All's Well that Ends Well:  The Importance of Full and Effective Closure in Lawyer-Client Relationships, 19 Clin. L. Rev. 555 (2012-13).

Annie Lainer Marquit, Public Counsel:  Community Development Lawyers Building Foundations for Health Communities, 21 Journal of Affordable Housing & Community Development Law 9 (2012).

Andrew King-Ries, Just What the Doctor Ordered:  The Need for Cross-Cultural Education in Law School, 5 Tenn. J.L. & Policy 27 (2009).

Antoinette Sedillo Lopez,  Making and Breaking Habits:  Teaching (and Learning) Cultural Context, Self-Awareness, and  Intercultural Communication Through Case Supervision in a Client-Service Legal Clinic 28 Wash. U. J. L. & Pol'y 37(2008).

Carolyn Grose, Flies on the Wall or in the Ointment -- Some thoughts on the Role of Clinic Supervisors at Initial Client Interviews, 14 Clin. L. Rev. 415 (2007-8).

Laurie Shanks, Whose Story Is It, Anyway -- Guiding Students to Client-Centered Interviewing through Storytelling, 14 Clin. L. Rev. 509 (2007-8).

Susan L. Brooks, Using Therapeutic Jurisprudence to Build Effective Relationships with Students, Clients and Communities, 13 Clin. L. Rev. 213 (2006-7).

Ascanio Piomelli, Cross-Cultural Lawyering by the Book:  The Latest Clinical Texts and a Sketch of a Future Agenda, 4 Hastings Race & Poverty L.J. 131(2006).

Angela Olivia Burton, Cultivating Ethical, Socially Responsible Lawyer Judgment:  Introducing the Multiple Lawyering Intellgences Paradigm into the Clinical Setting, 11 Clin. L. Rev. 15(2004-5).

Scott Barclay, A New Aspect of Lawyer-Client Interactions:  Lawyers Teaching Process-Focused Clients to Think About Outcomes, 11 Clin. L. Rev. 1 (2004).

Paul R. Tremblay, Interviewing and Counseling Across Cultures:  Heuristics and Biases, 9 Clin. L. Rev. 373 (2002).

Cait Clarke, Problem-Solving Defenders in the Community:  Expanding the Conceptual and Institutional Boundaries of Providing Counsel to the Poor, 14 Georgetown J. of Leg. Ethics 401  (2001).

Susan Bryant, The Five Habits:  Building Cross-Culture Competence in Lawyers, 8 Clin. L. Rev. 33 (2001-2).

Philip M. Genty, Clients Don't Take Sabbaticals:  The Indispensable in-House Clinic and the Teaching of Empathy, 7 Clin. L. Rev. 273 (2000-01).

Joan B. Kessler, The Lawyer's Intercultural Communication Problems with Clients from Diverse Cultures, 9 Northwestern Jl. Int'l L. & Bus. 64 (1988-1989).

Allen E. Smith & Patrick Nester, Lawyers, Clients, and Communication Skill, 1977 BYU L. Rev. 275 (1977).


Research Databases