- Court Listener (Free PACER)
- Free Law Project, we have gathered millions of court documents over the years, but it’s with distinct pride that we announce that we have now completed our biggest crawl ever.
- The Free Law Project has collected every free written order and opinion that is available in PACER.
- Bloomberg Law (BLAW)
BLAW provides access to PACER filings that have already been downloaded by other BLAW users. If the desired filing has not already been added to the BLAW filings database, BLAW links out to PACER to retrieve it with no additional charge to law school BLAW account..
- Lexis+ Dockets
- Contains all available Federal dockets.
- Contains all available dockets from all 50 states and 5 U.S. territories.
- Westlaw Precision Dockets
Information may vary by jurisdiction. Court systems are usually updated on a daily basis with newly filed cases. Dockets are updated 45 or 90 days after the initial filing date depending on the court, and upon demand via the "Update Link."
Content Highlights:
All Dockets Combined contains docket information on cases filed in State Courts, U.S. District Courts, U.S. Courts of Appeal, U.S. Bankruptcy Courts and the U.S. Supreme Court.