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Torts (LAWS 1103)

Course Info

This course covers compensation of an injured party for harm resulting from intentional or unintentional acts and omissions of others. Consideration is given to the rules, rationale, and policy underlying tort liability. The course includes analysis of assault and battery, false imprisonment, negligence, standard of care, duty, risk, causation, liabilities and rights of landowners and land users, liability relating to dangerous activities and defective products, liabilities arising from special relationships or specially recognized legal interests, and defenses.


Prof. Victor Flatt

Prof. Victor Flatt is a Professor of Law, the Coleman P. Burke Chair in Environmental Law, and Associate Director of the Burke Environmental Law Center. He is a nationally recognized expert on environmental law, climate law, and energy law, and the intersection of these areas.


The syllabus for your course is available on Canvas.

Study Aids

These study aids are available online.  Please click the hyperlinked title to view them. For instructions on how to use the specific platforms, including troubleshooting, please view  Study Aids Research Guide.


Computer-Aided Legal Instruction (CALI) requires an authorization code to use. If you do not have a CALI account, please contact Kieran Layton or the reference desk for assistance.

CALI (Computer Assisted Legal Instruction) Tort Law lessons


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Quimbee Tort Law materials

Audio Guides