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Wrongful Convictions

This is a guide originally prepared for law students in a research seminar on wrongful convictions. Updated Oct. 2, 2020.

Selected Law Review & Journal Articles


James R. Acker et al., Elephants in the Courtroom: Examining Overlooked Issues in Wrongful Convictions, 79 Alb. L. Rev. 705 - 716 (2015).

Sanjay K. Chhablani,  Beyond Brady: An Eighth Amendment Right to Discovery in Capital Cases, 38 N.Y.U. Rev. L. & Soc. Change 423 - 436 (2014).

Andrew Manuel CrespoThe Hidden Law of Plea Bargaining, 118 Colum. L. Rev. 1303 - 1424 (2018).

Andrew Manuel Crespo, Systemic Facts: Toward Institutional Awareness in Criminal Courts, 129 Harv. L. Rev. 2049 - 2117 (2016).

Don J. DeGabrielle & Eliot F. Turner,  Ethics, Justice and Prosecution,  32 Rev. Litig. 279 - 298 (2013). 

Mary D. Fan,  Democratizing Proof: Pooling Public and Police Body-camera Videos,  96 N.C. L. Rev. 1639 - 1680 (2018).

Brandon L. Garrett & Peter J. Neufeld, Invalid Forensic Science Testimony and Wrongful Convictions,  95 Va. L. Rev. 1 - 98 (2009).

Paul C. Giannelli,  Forensic Science and the ABA Innocence Report, 37 Sw. U. L. Rev. 993 - 1008 (2008).

Paul C. Giannelli & Kevin C. McMunigal,  Prosecutors, Ethics and Expert Witnesses, 76 Fordham L. Rev. 1493 - 1538 (2007).

Jon B. Gould, Julia Carrano, Richard A. Leo, & Katie Hail-Jares,  Predicting Erroneous Convictions,  99 Iowa L. Rev. 471 - 522 (2014).

Peter A. Joy,  The Relationship Between Prosecutorial Misconduct and Wrongful Convictions: Shaping Remedies for a Broken System,  2006 Wis.L.Rev. 399 - 430.

Gary Kowaluk,  Legal Thinking, the Adversarial Process and Exonerating Innocent Defendants: A Socio-Legal View of the Wrongful Conviction Process, 45 Sw. L. Rev. 27 - 48 (2015).

Jennifer E. Laurin,  Brady in an Age of Innocence," 38 N.Y.U. Rev. L. & Soc. Change 505 - 522 (2014).

Richard A. Leo, et al., Promoting Accuracy in the Use of Confession Evidence: An Argument for Pretrial Reliability Assessments to Prevent Wrongful Convictions, 85 Temple L. Rev. 759 - 838 (2013).

Laurie L. Levenson, The Problem with Cynical Prosecutor's Syndrome: Rethinking a Prosecutor's Role in Post-Conviction Cases, 20 Berkeley J. Crim. L. 335 - 398 (2015).

Charles E. MacLean, James Berles & Adam Lamparello, Stop Blaming the Prosecutors: The Real Causes of Wrongful Convictions and Rightful Exonerations, 44 Hofstra L. Rev. 151- 200 (2015).

Deborah Mostaghel, Wrongfully Incarcerated, Randomly Compensated--How to Fund Wrongful-Conviction Compensation Statutes, 44 Ind. L. Rev. 503-544 (2011).

Robert P. Mosteller,  The Duke LaCrosse Case, Innocence, and False Identifications: A Fundamental Failure to Do Justice76 Fordham L. Rev. 1337 - 1412 (2007).

Michael Leo Owens & Elizabeth Griffiths, Uneven Reparations for Wrongful Convictions: Examining the State Politics of Statutory Compensation Legislation, 75 Alb. L. Rev. 1283 - 1328 (2011/2012).

Michael L. Perlin, 'Merchants and Thieves, Hungry for Power':  Prosecutorial Misconduct and Passive Judicial Complicity in Death Penalty Trials of Defendants with Mental Disabilities,"  73 Wash. & Lee L. Rev. 1501 - 1548 (2016).

Eve Brensike Primus, Structural Reform in Criminal Defense: Relocating Ineffective Assistance of Counsel Claims, 92 Cornell L. Rev. 679 (2007).

Barry C. Scheck, Conviction Integrity Units Revisited, 14 Oh. St. J. Crim. L. 705 - 752 (2017).

Stephanie Slifer, How the Wrongfully Convicted Are Compensated for Years Lost, CBS News, March  27, 2014, (last visited: 08/03/2018).

Sandra Guerra Thompson, What Price Justice? The Importance of Costs to Eyewitness Identification Reform, 41 Tex. Tech L. Rev. 33 - 64 (2008).

Samuel Wiseman, Innocence After Death, 60 Case W. Res. L. Rev. 687 - 750 (2010).

Marvin Zalman & Julia Carrano, Sustainability of Innocence Reform, 77  Alb. L. Rev. 955 - 1004 (2014).

Marvin Zalman & Matthew Larson, Elephants in the Station House: Serial Crimes, Wrongful Convictions, and Expanding Wrongful Conviction Analysis to Include Police Investigation, 79 Alb. L. Rev. 941, 1044 (2015).