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Race, Law, and Society (LAWS 1931)

Various law faculty will lead discussion groups on important books related to race, social justice, and the law.


We embark upon these reading book courses in response to a moment in America in which recent anti-Black violence has illuminated extant structural and institutional racism. We recognize that racism and ethnic bias exists against other groups such as Latinx, Asians, American Indians, and others. However, some of the racism experienced by other groups in America is rooted in anti-Blackness. By extension, the study of anti-Black racism will provide both a foundation and lens through which to interrogate other forms of racism. So, by this focus, we do not intend to minimize, much less deny the existence of racism as experienced by other groups. The examination of anti-Black racism in Race, Law & Society is just the beginning. It is our intent to design future learning opportunities to examine racism in its myriad, pernicious iterations.