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Federal (U.S.) Regulation Research

Federal Regulation research is divided into two separate areas: (1) administrative law, which deals with the validity and creation of agency created law; and (2) the research of the agency law itself. This series of research guides deals with the latter.

The following uses "36 CFR §21.11 Redemption of bath tickets" as an example

NOTE: In the example of 36 CFR §21.11, the "36" indicates the Title of the Code of Federal Regulations, the number after CFR but before the dot, "21," indicates the Part, and the whole number after the CFR,"21.11," is the section number.

Citation and Section's title:

  • Citation: 36 CFR §21.11.
  • Section's title: Redemption of bath tickets.

Regulatory structure:

  • Title 36 - Parks, Forests, and Public Property
    • Chapter I - National Park Service, Department of the Interior
      • Part 21 Hot Springs National Park; bathhouse regulations.
        • §21.11 - Redemption of bath tickets.

Other Relevant Sections:

  • There are no references to other Sections in "36 CFR §21.11."
  • There is a definition Section within Part 21, "36 CFR §21.1 Definitions."
  • There is a Part entitled "General Provisions" with a definition Section within it entitled "1.4 What terms do I need to know?"
  • There may be more.

Source of the Section:

  • 44 FR 2577, Jan. 12, 1979.

Authority for the Section:

  • Sec. 3 Act of August 25, 1916, 39 Stat. 535, as amended (16 U.S.C. 3); sec. 3, Act of March 3, 1891, 26 Stat. 842, as amended (16 U.S.C. 363).

Information from the source(s) of your section:

The following uses 44 FR 2577, Jan. 12, 1979 (the source of  "36 CFR §21.11 Redemption of bath tickets")  as an example.


  • 44 FR 2577, Jan. 12, 1979.

Docket Number(s), if any:

  • None

To see an example of o final rule with a docket see, 77 FR 12477, March 1, 2012.  There are two dockets, FWS-R7-SM-2011-0068 and FXFR13350700640L6-123-FF07J00000.

Effective Date and any additional information about the coverage of the regulation:

  • February 12, 1979

Initiating event (reason rulemaking process was started):

  • Agency decision to revise Part 21