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Sources for Student Publication Cite Checking

This LibGuide is to help students find the sources to do cite checking.

Federal Constitution

Constitution of the United States

State Constitutions

Most state Constitutions are reproduced (in annotated form) within the state's annotated statutory code, and can be accessed in the same way as statutory material. (see the Legislative Materials tab, State Legislative Materials.)

For possible online editions, check the state's official website (see the Federal and State Websites tab). Remember to see if the State considers the online version to be an official version.

  • Example: Maine's disclaimer " not warrant the accuracy, reliability,...."

Is the State's Official Version Online?

The American Association of Law Libraries has gathered information about state online legal information. The site gives direct links and identifies characteristics of the online information such as if it is official, authenticate, and if copyrights.

Online Legal Information Resources (last updated 2022).