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U.S. Legal Scholarly Writing (LAWS 4922)

Course Info

This is the second of a two-course sequence for students in the Foreign Graduate LL.M. programs. This course focuses on advanced writing schools, with special attention to legal research skills. The course is required for students seeking a degree in the specialty LL.M. programs, and is an elective for other LL.M. students.


Prof. Jack Turner

Prof. Jack Turner is an Associate Professor of Law and the Director of the International LLM Program at Case Western Reserve University. He teaches Contract Law and U.S. Legal Writing and Research. He also directs the Summer Language and Law Institute from incoming LLM students and foreign legal professionals.


The syllabus for your course are available on Canvas.



Computer-Aided Legal Instruction (CALI) requires an authorization code to use. If you do not have a CALI account, please contact Kieran Layton or the reference desk for assistance.

CALI (Computer Assisted Legal Instruction) Legal Writing lessons